Saturday, May 3, 2008

You're an Animal!!

We decided to brave the wind and crowds today to check out the new exhibit at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. The Rocky Mountain Wild houses tons of cool animals that live in this part of the country. There were mountain lions, grizzly bears, otters, a bald eagle, a young bull moose, snakes, porcupines, and the list goes on and on.....The new part of the zoo also has a chairlift that takes you to the top of the zoo, opening on May 23rd. I am sure that it will have fabulous views of Colorado Springs. You probably can see all the way to Kansas (aka Powers Blvd.) Thank goodness there was enclosures because the mountain lion and grizzly bear both thought Sam would be a yummy snack. We had a great time visiting the new animals and even stopped by to feed the giraffes on our way out. The zoo is one of our favorite spots in the Springs and in warmer weather we visit very often.

1 comment:

msuwescott said...

LOVE the pictures and update on the family. Makes us miss all of you more than ever! LvT