Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thin Ice

This evening, after spending half the day at a swim meet, we took the kids ice-skating.  I know (in the words of a 3 year old Sam) we are a little crazy in the hair.  Loopy, for sure.

Sooo, last week, on our weekly field trip, I took the kids to the U.S. Figure Skating Museum.  Yep, right here in Colorado Springs.  It might have something to do with that silly Olympic Training Center, I don't know....Anyway, we saw lots of sequins and trophies. I had no idea that there were so many different kinds of ice-skates.  Seriously.

After visiting the museum, I thought that it might be fun to go ice-skating. After mentioning ice-skating out loud (big, huge mistake) I quickly realized that taking four kids ice-skating was more than I could handle alone.  Well, since these kids never. forget. a. thing, I had to hold true to my promise of skating.  Not just any skating, but ICE-skating.

So, between Scott and I and a whole mess of orange buckets stacked together, we took the four kids ice-skating. We not only lived to tell about it but had an awesome time.  Sam and Alice did pretty well right off the bat, Mason definitely was a bit spazzy without the buckets and some parental help but Paige was the bucket skater extraordinaire.  She held on tight and skated around and around and around.....and did not want to stop. 

These kids had so much fun that they didn't even realized we had ice-skated right through the dinner hour.  If you know my kids, they don't like to miss a meal, ever.  This skating thing had to be super good to miss dinner.
Taking the obligatory shot of the museum sign...

Have an awesome start to the week!  We are going to fill in as much as possible in this last week before heading to MI and then starting school.  Hard to believe that our summer break is winding down!

Love to you all,

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