Friday, April 22, 2011

Pioneer Day~We Made It!

Sam has been working on a huge project for school.  He was assigned a local pioneer from the 1800's and had to present on that pioneer. Not only did he have to present but he had to really get into character.  He researched and created a story board of his pioneer. He also had to give a speech about his pioneer.  We spent a lot of time preparing for presentations.  Yesterday was Pioneer Day at school. They gave speeches and presentations in the morning and had fun activities in the afternoon ending with singing and square-dancing.  Even I got to square-dance.  I know you are jealous.
Sam's assigned pioneer was Major Henry McAllister.  McAllister was a very influential man in Colorado Springs. It was really fun learning about him.

Phew!  These student projects really feel like parent projects!

Enjoy the Easter weekend!


Papa G said...

Way to go Sam! Swing your partner!! How did the presentation go?

Abernethy Adventures said...

I hope they want to dance with each other for a lot longer! They've come a long way in nine years.