Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!
Much love to you all! Tomorrow morning we fly to Guangzhou and will remain there for the rest of our trip. We are really looking forward to getting home and kissing our other three babies!
Scott, Jennifer and Mason
After breakfast, we took a taxi ride to the Lotus Center, which can only be described as Walmart on steroids. The taxi ride was its own experience. Hard to believe there are not more accidents. Lanes on the road only seem to be suggestions (not taken) and the sidewalk is an appropriate place to pass. Pedestrians do not have the right of way anywhere, even of the sidewalk :) Anyway, we bought him this truck and a ball and he really enjoyed that. We enjoyed getting out of the room for a bit too!
Have a great day, we are missing you all!
Jennifer, Scott and Mason
Thank you so much to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers and notes of encouragement. They have meant so much to us!
Scott and Jennifer
Much love,
Have a great day!